Homeschooling experiment

So today I am going to make actual use of this platform apart from ranting and making this blog my burn book.

Since my kid who is 2 years and 4 months old is now taking interest in things so I have started to teach him English and Urdu alphabets little by little. Though it was not in my plan to start teaching him formally but in Japan they don’t teach English and we all know how important English is in other countries. So I decided to teach him myself until we go back to Pakistan.

May Allah Taala help me in upbringing.

I am not professional in homeschooling nor there is anyone to guide me. So I am taking help from websites and trying to experiment something on my kid. Afterall first child is always an experiment.

Since we both husband and wife are studying so books are very common in my house. So I bought some couple of random baby board books for Fawaaz when he was 8 months old and was learning to grab things. He mashaAllah very efficiently ate and tore the books from every angle.

I kept buying more books and he kept on eating and tearing them until he was 1.5 years and then he recognized that oh, this is something to read and not to eat. After this, I started to actually give him time and ask him to sit so that we can read books. And he used to sit on my laps and we used to read book which was more of flipping pages than reading. This is how books were introduced to him at an early age. Now he rarely tears any book (yes accidents still happen) . The flipping pages is still on but now, not too fast. He confidently points out images in the books and tells their names.

Moreover, I printed out some Islamic kids material such as Months in Islam, 5 pillars in Islam, some colourful duaas, alif baa taa, etc and put it in plastic file so that Fawaaz couldn’t eat it. I used to make him read from far because I didn’t want to ruin my halal time which I spent on it. Lol.

He takes interest in that too and mostly points on “months in Islam”. Because he knows mama will sing a song now =p *Clever kid*

We usually recite common duaas such as upon entering toilet, changing clothes, sleeping, waking up, eating, going out of home, coming back, etc in loud voice so that he can remember them and Alhamdullilah he now remembers duaas of sleeping , going to toilet, eating, etc.

When he was 2 years old, I took a colored paper and wrote “A” , drew apple and put it on wall. Fawaaz took interest. He cannot recognize letters yet but only images. So we are on “H” now. And now he can recognize all images Alhamdullilah which we colored together. Here is the picture

Now my aim is to make him understand and recognize letters so I am trying different activities with him.

Straw activity:

Just take two three straws, cut them with scissor. Take glue.

Make “A” and ask your kid to put glue on straws and stick them on paper.

This was a very effective activity. Atleast For a day, he remembered “A”.

But drawbacks: he took a piece of straw and put it inside the glue stick. This is how he ruined the whole glue stick MashaAllah =p

Making “A” through blocks:

We took blocks. I made “A” through it and then I sang my own creation song.

I am “A”. I am Fawaaz friend. Fawaaz made me. Yaayy yaay yaay “A”.

After doing these activities I realized, kids teach you a lot. From these activities Fawaaz taught me sabr and taught me how to do everything myself and then lie that Fawaaz made it (-_-)

P.s- please leave a comment below if you think that this post is effective in anyway. Would appreciate much

5 thoughts on “Homeschooling experiment

  1. Awesome post. Very well written and encourages one to delve into huge unknown ocean of keeping a kid at home and teaching yourself rather than getting some me-time/kid free time and sending them off to school.


  2. Pingback: Homeschooling experiment 2 | My World!

  3. Pingback: Homeschooling experiment 6 | My World!

  4. Pingback: Homeschooling experiment 7 | My World!

  5. Pingback: Homeschooling 8 | My World!

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