Homeschooling experiment 2

In this post, I am going to share some activities which fawaaz’s play school conducted i.e. 2.5 years old activities.

Fan activity:

Take ink pad, Lady finger and any vegetable.

First stamp your baby’s hand as shown in picture. Then cut a red paper and white paper to make crab claws and eyes respectively . And there you go! Your crab is ready!

Other side of fan is actually vegetable stamps. Cut the lady finger or any other vegetable 🌶 🍅 🥕 🥒 into two and make its stamp on the other side of fan. I don’t like this activity personally because it has food involved. (I don’t care if it is leftover)

Well, this activity will make your child remember the names of vegetables and fruits, apparently.

The umbrella Activity:

They did this activity when it was rainy season in Japan. Fawaaz loves stickers so I am sure he must have enjoyed it a lot.

This activity will help you work on your baby’s fine motor skills and increase grasping and hand coordination skills.

Touch and Feel Activity:

So I liked this activity a lot. They showed kids how to peal the corn and then asked them to peal it.

Another day, they taught them how to peal pea pod.

Another day, they made them feel dry uncooked rice. Then after soaking in water, they asked to feel it. And then after cooking, they asked them to eat with hand so that they can feel it.

This activity helps child to relate to that fruit and vegetable and they show more willingness to eat food.

So this activity is good for your stubborn child who doesn’t want to eat anything!

Newspaper tearing:

As easy as it sounds. Give them newspaper and show them how to tear. And you sit and watch their potato faces because it is not easy for them to move each hand in different directions while holding paper between thumb and pointing finger.

This activity develops their small muscles in hands and fingers.

Coloring Activity:

They do lots of coloring activities sometimes on pictures, sketching books, or on empty paper. So if you cannot think of any activity. Give them crayons, paints and see the magic.

Take care of your walls otherwise the magic will be there too!

Other activities:

Other than these, sometimes they play with balloon and ask children not to let balloon touch the ground.

They make different cards with kids. For example, mothers day card and fathers day card. Teachers usually cut all craft materials themselves and ask kids to glue them on paper.

Sometimes they let children explore scissors and let them do mess with paper.

To read previous post Click on this Homeschooling Experiment 1

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