Homeschooling experiment 6

After a big gap of 6 months, I am writing this blog but that does not mean homeschooling was on holidays. =D. It is a continuous process. I haven’t done much because of my own studies but Alhamdullilah something is better than nothing.

Before writing this blog, I was checking my previous blog (Homeschooling 5) to see the updates. I am amazed by the progress Masha’Allah. He was 2 years and 8 months that time.  Alhamdullilah Fawaaz is now 3 years and 3 months.

He is able to recognize small and capital letters. He can write all capital letters now with some mistakes here and there. He is able to recognize all Urdu alphabets. I have not focused on Urdu writing yet. Moreover, he is able to recognize all colors and numbers from 1-15.

He can Alhamdullilah speak Urdu (good enough to be understood) and Japanese. For English, he tries to speak but it is too funny to listen. We cannot understand him yet but he can understand us very well.

MashaAllah he is also trying to draw pictures like apple, ball, airplane, dog, cat with its mustachio =P but the problem is that my drawing is so pathetic that I cannot help him much in this field.


As for the religious aspect, he has memorized Surah ikhlas, Surah Naas, surah Lahb, surah Asar, surah Kosar, first three kalmas. He has also memorized some sunnah duaas for example, Duaa after waking up and sleeping, leaving and coming back to home, wearing clothes, going and coming out of washroom, before eating food, after eating food, etc.

To answer the question that how he memorized is quite simple. We used to recite Suraahs while making him sleep. Moreover, Abdul Bari videos helped us a lot in learning process. For the Sunnah duaas,  whenever you and your child do any job, you read its Sunnah Duaa aloud. Eventually he will memorize inshaAllah.

He is not clear in speech so he makes few mistakes while reciting these suraahs and duaas. He needs a lot of polishing though. Inshallah once he becomes clear enough to speak, this problem will get settled automatically.

Let me elaborate it more.

Following are some worksheets which helped us in the process of learning English. The purpose of worksheet below is to introduce vegetables to him while polishing his reasoning and comparison skills. This is one of the many worksheets I used to teach him comparison, concept of big and small, identification of similar objects. Link of these worksheet collections is given below at the end of post.

I think Fawaaz still needs improvement in identifying similar objects i.e. odd-one-out games. He can do the basic ones like identifying one different object within 3 same objects but he is not able to do 4 different fruits and one vegetable. But, I do understand that this is a bit high level for him. I tried them just to give him a little challenge.




These types of worksheets above helped me to give him the concept of numbers and their sequence.

The below worksheet helped him to practice shapes and colors. He did it very easily Alhamdullilah. He can recognize basic shapes like circle, square, rectangle, triangle, heart, star along with diamond and hexagon.

For the alphabet recognition and writing, I used many tracing worksheets that you can find on internet. Below, you can see some examples in pictures.


For the cutting, pasting and other crafts, it is also in process. Usually when he is bored, he does this stuff or plays with his trains.

Well, all in all, I think I have touched upon all parts of pre-school curriculum that I found on internet Alhamdullilah. I cannot compare it with Pakistan school curriculum as they are covering too much some how. I want to keep it easy for myself and for my son too.

These days I am working on “starting letters” along with working on his vocabulary. For example, I am showing him 10-15 things starting with each alphabets. Afterwards I make a picture game in which he tells me the name of the thing and from which letter it begins with. You can get access to the below image on Mega Workbook site as mentioned in the image.



Coming to Urdu language, I am using the below wooden slates that I ordered from Pakistan along with the carton cards I mentioned in my previous post. He can recognize all Urdu alphabets with some vocabulary. It seems kids pick up fast with pictures. So this is a tip for all of you: go with the pictures.

dav         dav

Alhamdullilah since I will be finishing my Masters this week, I am looking forward to give Fawaaz more time. I am looking forward to teach him how to blend letters and some basic number-counting.

Just want to conclude this with a reminder: I teach him while playing. I do not force him. He enjoys all of this  🙂


Link to collection of worksheets I gathered:–zV5eWyj_tIcIiosdBbOJs89rFqBihZAs5QtLiajBZxRg0S2dqMdIys0x4NHVm_JKvW8VXQ

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Homeschooling 5

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1

Homeschooling experiment5

Till now the experiment is going well Alhamdullilah. We are done with capital letters and almost done with small letters too. He is picking really fast mashaAllah.

We have also started Urdu language and doing well Alhamdullilah.

So this is how I proceeded.

So I made these capital and small alphabets on colored papers. For a week, I played with him showing him this is capital A and this is small A and then I started asking him gradually. I started from similar alphabets like S, P, X, Y, Z to boost his confidence that he is telling all correctly. Appreciation is a key to teach anything. Even if a child is answering wrong, deal him correctly. For example, if he gives small “b” instead of “d”. Tell him he is correct. It is just that the stomach of “d” has moved from left to right and it becomes “b”.

Other than that, if you allow your kids to have mobile, you can download “ABC kids”. It is very interactive and informative with NO ADS. The stickers I showed in last post also helped us a lot in identifying capital and small letter alphabets. I used to write alphabets on colorful paper with marker and then I used to ask fawaaz which letter is this. After that I used to give him sticker sheet to identify the letter from it and paste it on paper. It was successful Alhamdullilah

I also plan to make an activity from plastic spoon. Half of them will have capital letters and half of them will have small letters and then you ask your kid to combine them. Refer to picture below

For urdu alphabets, I had to really work hard. There are not much activities and flash cards on internet. So I really hope that this blog may benefit someone inshaAllah.

Since I am lazy mom, I cannot draw pictures. I downloaded apps. Took screen shots. Printed them out. Cut them. I took Fawaaz pamper carton. Cut the card size and then pasted flash card on it. And covered it with transparent tape.

I know it is too much. And it took us 6 hours to make. Thanks to my dear husband . He helped me out cutting the carton otherwise it wasn’t easy. By the way, to make things more easy, you can laminate the paper.

Other than this, I made Urdu book myself. Still have to paste pictures on it. But since fawaaz is already enjoying it so I am lazy to print, cut and paste.

Then this is our new wall. He knows numbers from 1-10. He can recognize till 7 when randomly asked. To be honest, I didn’t work on it separately. Thanks to the elevator. He presses all buttons and while controlling my temper, I try to tell him that we live on 7th floor and the button you pressed is “xyz” ( since he presses all, so i have to explain him all floor numbers)

For colors, i am still struggling. He is picking up names of things but not colors. For example, if Fawaaz asks ” what is this?” Pointing towards car. I reply “it is blue car”. “It is white car” but when he repeats me, he always says “car”. But I am assuming that on back of his mind, he must be identifying colors. Nonetheless, I am in no hurry. Slow and steady inshaAllah.

About Arabic, it is on hold. I am afraid he will mix up Arabic and Urdu if I take both of them along.

We are still struggling with taking English and Urdu along. Should we tell kitaab or book? Soap or sabun? Etc etc. I think it will resolve with time. For now, we are making it simple, we are telling him what we use in every day conversation like we usually say Book instead of kitaab. And we usually timater instead of tomatoe. So we taught him timator 🤣

I don’t know if you people can relate to it, but these are some “real” problems we are facing. Japanese is completely different from English. He listens and speaks Japanese at day care. We speak in Urdu with him. And everywhere else, we talk in English. So he is listening three languages in a day. Sometimes, i really feel bad for him 🤣 but he should thank me for not starting Arabic =p

Well I think until he turns 3, I am going to continue teaching Urdu and English Alphabets only. After that, I will see if I should start english two letter words or wait more.

P.s- He hasn’t even started to speak clearly because of listening diverse languages.

The link for Urdu flash cards. You can download them freely

To read previous posts click below:

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1

Homeschooling experiment 4

Slow and steady wins the race.

Before reading ahead, you should know that you are the best mom in the world and no one knows how to handle your kid but you know only!

Having said that, I was busy in my own mess lately so couldn’t write much. Not to forget laziness also.

Well, following is the progress we have made. Fawaaz is now 2 years and 8 months now. Pretty grown up.

We reached letter “P”. But he can recognize all letters now except N, R, S and Q. I don’t know why. Maybe I didn’t bothered trying to make him recognize =p *you see laziness*

Secondly, can you see light bulb we made?

We made it out of tissue roll and messed papers. Make ball from papers and cover them with colored shiny paper. In japan we have origami. It is very famous in children. They make different things from origami. You can check out the link if you have time and you want to be more creative.

This is flower we made from tissue roll again. Fawaaz helped in cutting. And he did glue job. Obviously I did rest. He got busy in cutting other papers.

Fawaaz solo work. I pasted this on wall to appreciate him. And trust me, every morning he says pointing it “pyara pyara” because this is what i said when he showed me his creativity.

Kids need attention and appreciation. Simple.

P.s – this creativity is better than picking all small cuttings from carpet 😖 *laziness speaking*

He knows these names now Alhamdullilah . This puzzle is from 100 yen shop. 😉

I think he is having difficulty in remembering colors. I think it is not right time for him but we try to tell him name of everything with colours. Like ” this is blue car” “this is red car”

So we got this from Pakistan. Fawaaz can only recognize blue for now. And red only in his cars. Lets see when he picks rest.

I am using it since long time now. You can see its condition. Fawaaz can put all shapes correct but he only knows triangle, square, heart and circle if asked randomly.

But to be honest, I also did not know names of these shapes before I got this for Fawaaz 🤭 so I think it is totally ok.

These are stickers from 100 yen shop. But my laziness didn’t let fawaaz open the packet and I pretended as if this is to be read as it is. We read it like rhyme for a week or two and then finally I opened the packet in front of fawaaz, leaving him with shocked face.

We put sticker on flash cards and then I hid rest of them. *evil mom*

Fawaaz is taking interest in paper crafts these days. So whenever I need break, I give him glue, scissor and papers. I watch him doing mess while sipping tea. Baby happy mama happy. All happy.

#lazy mom

Homeschooling experiment 3

These are some activities which I conducted last two three days. I try to do atleast one activity daily. To be honest, I need time to find activities which are appropriate for his age and I am too lazy to find.

Since my boy loves fishes and glue and pasting things, I came across this activity in which child had to paste all fishes in a bowl. The bowl which was drawn on original activity page was too small for all fishes so we made more bowls so that fishes can float easily.

He was too happy with this activity and finished within 10min and wanted more fishes. Lol.

Here is the link for activity:

Click to access cut-and-paste-fish.pdf

I tried to print out some alphabets to make him color it but his coloring skills are MashaAllah so bad that I was constantly there teaching him but all in vain. Maybe this is not his age but he loves coloring. Good 5 mins activity.

This was abrupt not planned activity. Since he loves pasting so I had these leftover cuttings which I was going to throw in bin but Fawaaz wanted them to cut. I being a lazy woman, not wanted scissor mess, So this got me an idea.

I took paper which was also a trash as you can see fawaaz beautiful drawing on it. Then I took those strips and asked fawaaz to glue them and paste on paper. While he applying glue and I was mentoring him, I was again and again repeating the color name.

“Oh so you have yellow color. And you are pasting yellow color. Don’t paste yellow color like this. Do you want to give mama, the yellow color.”

In short, forget prepositions.

Repeat, repeat and repeat.

It was good, long and engaging activity for good 20mins.

I am not sure how much he remembered. Atleast it saved my home from mess.

Last activity of this post was a complete failure. I printed it out thinking maybe he will try to trace but he wasn’t interested. He was just making straight lines or circles.

So the question might be raising in mind that why am I posting it then. The answer is simple. It is because I wanted to show that sometime website shows that 2.5yr old can do it but your child might not be able to do.

Don’t get worried. It’s ok.

To read previous posts about homeschooling click below:

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1

Homeschooling experiment 2

In this post, I am going to share some activities which fawaaz’s play school conducted i.e. 2.5 years old activities.

Fan activity:

Take ink pad, Lady finger and any vegetable.

First stamp your baby’s hand as shown in picture. Then cut a red paper and white paper to make crab claws and eyes respectively . And there you go! Your crab is ready!

Other side of fan is actually vegetable stamps. Cut the lady finger or any other vegetable 🌶 🍅 🥕 🥒 into two and make its stamp on the other side of fan. I don’t like this activity personally because it has food involved. (I don’t care if it is leftover)

Well, this activity will make your child remember the names of vegetables and fruits, apparently.

The umbrella Activity:

They did this activity when it was rainy season in Japan. Fawaaz loves stickers so I am sure he must have enjoyed it a lot.

This activity will help you work on your baby’s fine motor skills and increase grasping and hand coordination skills.

Touch and Feel Activity:

So I liked this activity a lot. They showed kids how to peal the corn and then asked them to peal it.

Another day, they taught them how to peal pea pod.

Another day, they made them feel dry uncooked rice. Then after soaking in water, they asked to feel it. And then after cooking, they asked them to eat with hand so that they can feel it.

This activity helps child to relate to that fruit and vegetable and they show more willingness to eat food.

So this activity is good for your stubborn child who doesn’t want to eat anything!

Newspaper tearing:

As easy as it sounds. Give them newspaper and show them how to tear. And you sit and watch their potato faces because it is not easy for them to move each hand in different directions while holding paper between thumb and pointing finger.

This activity develops their small muscles in hands and fingers.

Coloring Activity:

They do lots of coloring activities sometimes on pictures, sketching books, or on empty paper. So if you cannot think of any activity. Give them crayons, paints and see the magic.

Take care of your walls otherwise the magic will be there too!

Other activities:

Other than these, sometimes they play with balloon and ask children not to let balloon touch the ground.

They make different cards with kids. For example, mothers day card and fathers day card. Teachers usually cut all craft materials themselves and ask kids to glue them on paper.

Sometimes they let children explore scissors and let them do mess with paper.

To read previous post Click on this Homeschooling Experiment 1