Homeschooling experiment 6

After a big gap of 6 months, I am writing this blog but that does not mean homeschooling was on holidays. =D. It is a continuous process. I haven’t done much because of my own studies but Alhamdullilah something is better than nothing.

Before writing this blog, I was checking my previous blog (Homeschooling 5) to see the updates. I am amazed by the progress Masha’Allah. He was 2 years and 8 months that time.  Alhamdullilah Fawaaz is now 3 years and 3 months.

He is able to recognize small and capital letters. He can write all capital letters now with some mistakes here and there. He is able to recognize all Urdu alphabets. I have not focused on Urdu writing yet. Moreover, he is able to recognize all colors and numbers from 1-15.

He can Alhamdullilah speak Urdu (good enough to be understood) and Japanese. For English, he tries to speak but it is too funny to listen. We cannot understand him yet but he can understand us very well.

MashaAllah he is also trying to draw pictures like apple, ball, airplane, dog, cat with its mustachio =P but the problem is that my drawing is so pathetic that I cannot help him much in this field.


As for the religious aspect, he has memorized Surah ikhlas, Surah Naas, surah Lahb, surah Asar, surah Kosar, first three kalmas. He has also memorized some sunnah duaas for example, Duaa after waking up and sleeping, leaving and coming back to home, wearing clothes, going and coming out of washroom, before eating food, after eating food, etc.

To answer the question that how he memorized is quite simple. We used to recite Suraahs while making him sleep. Moreover, Abdul Bari videos helped us a lot in learning process. For the Sunnah duaas,  whenever you and your child do any job, you read its Sunnah Duaa aloud. Eventually he will memorize inshaAllah.

He is not clear in speech so he makes few mistakes while reciting these suraahs and duaas. He needs a lot of polishing though. Inshallah once he becomes clear enough to speak, this problem will get settled automatically.

Let me elaborate it more.

Following are some worksheets which helped us in the process of learning English. The purpose of worksheet below is to introduce vegetables to him while polishing his reasoning and comparison skills. This is one of the many worksheets I used to teach him comparison, concept of big and small, identification of similar objects. Link of these worksheet collections is given below at the end of post.

I think Fawaaz still needs improvement in identifying similar objects i.e. odd-one-out games. He can do the basic ones like identifying one different object within 3 same objects but he is not able to do 4 different fruits and one vegetable. But, I do understand that this is a bit high level for him. I tried them just to give him a little challenge.




These types of worksheets above helped me to give him the concept of numbers and their sequence.

The below worksheet helped him to practice shapes and colors. He did it very easily Alhamdullilah. He can recognize basic shapes like circle, square, rectangle, triangle, heart, star along with diamond and hexagon.

For the alphabet recognition and writing, I used many tracing worksheets that you can find on internet. Below, you can see some examples in pictures.


For the cutting, pasting and other crafts, it is also in process. Usually when he is bored, he does this stuff or plays with his trains.

Well, all in all, I think I have touched upon all parts of pre-school curriculum that I found on internet Alhamdullilah. I cannot compare it with Pakistan school curriculum as they are covering too much some how. I want to keep it easy for myself and for my son too.

These days I am working on “starting letters” along with working on his vocabulary. For example, I am showing him 10-15 things starting with each alphabets. Afterwards I make a picture game in which he tells me the name of the thing and from which letter it begins with. You can get access to the below image on Mega Workbook site as mentioned in the image.



Coming to Urdu language, I am using the below wooden slates that I ordered from Pakistan along with the carton cards I mentioned in my previous post. He can recognize all Urdu alphabets with some vocabulary. It seems kids pick up fast with pictures. So this is a tip for all of you: go with the pictures.

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Alhamdullilah since I will be finishing my Masters this week, I am looking forward to give Fawaaz more time. I am looking forward to teach him how to blend letters and some basic number-counting.

Just want to conclude this with a reminder: I teach him while playing. I do not force him. He enjoys all of this  🙂


Link to collection of worksheets I gathered:–zV5eWyj_tIcIiosdBbOJs89rFqBihZAs5QtLiajBZxRg0S2dqMdIys0x4NHVm_JKvW8VXQ

To read previous posts click below:

Homeschooling 5

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1

5 thoughts on “Homeschooling experiment 6

  1. Yes children amaze us with their picking speed at times and at other times they act as if we speak some Martian language.
    Your idea with megaworkbook worksheet is really good. I was stumped on how to further beginning sounds with Saalik. This game sounds simple and fun and the worksheet covers many objects.


  2. Pingback: Homeschooling experiment 7 | My World!

  3. Pingback: Homeschooling 8 | My World!

  4. Pingback: Ramadan special- Homeschooling | My World!

  5. Pingback: Homeschooling 10 (a)- My reflections. | My World!

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