Homeschooling experiment5

Till now the experiment is going well Alhamdullilah. We are done with capital letters and almost done with small letters too. He is picking really fast mashaAllah.

We have also started Urdu language and doing well Alhamdullilah.

So this is how I proceeded.

So I made these capital and small alphabets on colored papers. For a week, I played with him showing him this is capital A and this is small A and then I started asking him gradually. I started from similar alphabets like S, P, X, Y, Z to boost his confidence that he is telling all correctly. Appreciation is a key to teach anything. Even if a child is answering wrong, deal him correctly. For example, if he gives small “b” instead of “d”. Tell him he is correct. It is just that the stomach of “d” has moved from left to right and it becomes “b”.

Other than that, if you allow your kids to have mobile, you can download “ABC kids”. It is very interactive and informative with NO ADS. The stickers I showed in last post also helped us a lot in identifying capital and small letter alphabets. I used to write alphabets on colorful paper with marker and then I used to ask fawaaz which letter is this. After that I used to give him sticker sheet to identify the letter from it and paste it on paper. It was successful Alhamdullilah

I also plan to make an activity from plastic spoon. Half of them will have capital letters and half of them will have small letters and then you ask your kid to combine them. Refer to picture below

For urdu alphabets, I had to really work hard. There are not much activities and flash cards on internet. So I really hope that this blog may benefit someone inshaAllah.

Since I am lazy mom, I cannot draw pictures. I downloaded apps. Took screen shots. Printed them out. Cut them. I took Fawaaz pamper carton. Cut the card size and then pasted flash card on it. And covered it with transparent tape.

I know it is too much. And it took us 6 hours to make. Thanks to my dear husband . He helped me out cutting the carton otherwise it wasn’t easy. By the way, to make things more easy, you can laminate the paper.

Other than this, I made Urdu book myself. Still have to paste pictures on it. But since fawaaz is already enjoying it so I am lazy to print, cut and paste.

Then this is our new wall. He knows numbers from 1-10. He can recognize till 7 when randomly asked. To be honest, I didn’t work on it separately. Thanks to the elevator. He presses all buttons and while controlling my temper, I try to tell him that we live on 7th floor and the button you pressed is “xyz” ( since he presses all, so i have to explain him all floor numbers)

For colors, i am still struggling. He is picking up names of things but not colors. For example, if Fawaaz asks ” what is this?” Pointing towards car. I reply “it is blue car”. “It is white car” but when he repeats me, he always says “car”. But I am assuming that on back of his mind, he must be identifying colors. Nonetheless, I am in no hurry. Slow and steady inshaAllah.

About Arabic, it is on hold. I am afraid he will mix up Arabic and Urdu if I take both of them along.

We are still struggling with taking English and Urdu along. Should we tell kitaab or book? Soap or sabun? Etc etc. I think it will resolve with time. For now, we are making it simple, we are telling him what we use in every day conversation like we usually say Book instead of kitaab. And we usually timater instead of tomatoe. So we taught him timator 🤣

I don’t know if you people can relate to it, but these are some “real” problems we are facing. Japanese is completely different from English. He listens and speaks Japanese at day care. We speak in Urdu with him. And everywhere else, we talk in English. So he is listening three languages in a day. Sometimes, i really feel bad for him 🤣 but he should thank me for not starting Arabic =p

Well I think until he turns 3, I am going to continue teaching Urdu and English Alphabets only. After that, I will see if I should start english two letter words or wait more.

P.s- He hasn’t even started to speak clearly because of listening diverse languages.

The link for Urdu flash cards. You can download them freely

To read previous posts click below:

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1

6 thoughts on “Homeschooling experiment5

  1. Assalam o alikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu
    I think you are doing great. Fawaz being your first child, mashaAllah, both of you are putting in great effort and are very focused and clear about where you want to head. That is rare. Most times with first child parents are either clueless (like me) or they are too eager/cautious. MashaAllah you people have a balance. Allahuma barik lakum.
    Don’t worry about languages and speaking. He might start speaking late but he’ll know all three languages InshaAllah. One thing I have noted with my kids, either speak whole sentences in English or urdu. Beta tomato ley ao won’t do any good. Let’s bring tomato. Ao timatar latey hain. This turns out much better and they get grasp at both languages. He might end up speaking like timatars come. But he will have an idea and understanding.


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