Reason of being Lost

Almost a year has passed since I published my last post. This year was rough with many things at hand. The life never gets easy. You think the next day will get easier, but it comes with its own uniqueness. This will continue until we die. And that is why it is said that better to do today rather than tomorrow because no one knows about tomorrow, do we?

Many tasks ticked off from my checklist in the year 2020-2021.

  1. My 6 year ilm which became 7 years got finished.
  2. My masters got finished,my husband’s PhD finished as well
  3. My PhD started.
  4. A new addition to the family – A baby boy
  5. Got a teaching job in university in Japan
  6. Got a teaching position in the institute I completed my ilm from.
  7. Homeschooling of Fawaaz going strong alhamdullilah

Alhamdullilah ala kulli haal.

People keep asking me how to multi-task. How am I managing these stuff with a hyper active 5 year old. Answer is simple. This post is for all those people who are trying to juggle with many things but keeps on failing. To be honest, I am not the right person to ask such questions. I am not special. I am same as you. I am juggling and stumbling, falling and standing up again. This is how I am. I am not perfect nor I aim to. My each and every work has flaws. I find shortcuts.

After Allah, it is Husband support and motivation alhamdullilah infinity times. People think I am trying to be down-to-earth. But honestly, that is all I have to say. Be a time machine. A robot. And there you go.

Is it easy? It is not a fancy, easy journey. It is a rough phase you choose to be in. Loosing your sanity and having mental breakdowns are part of the plan.

Isn’t there any positive side? There is. You become so indulge that you don’t have time for others nonsense. You have your little world.

What about family? Family has always been my top priority. And their needs are always top in my schedule.

The reason of this post is to inform my readers to not to be in awe by rosy pictures. This social media is very threatening. Every one has their own circumstances. You are your own super hero. Wear your own Cape. Fly according to your cape otherwise you will do crash landing. (Lol).

Ramadan special- Homeschooling 9

IMG_20200525_111403Ramadan special

Before Ramadan I was bit worried for fawaaz and my schedule. But Allah Taala has his plans. Alhamdulillah fawaaz learning in Ramadan was focused on Ramadan material more than our conventional material. Since he is 4 years old now, he can learn through observing.

I tried to enroll him in an online islamic class conducted by my dear friend but it did not work for us. One hour of class was a marathon for me where fawaaz kept running and I used to run behind him; dragging him back. Though the content of the class was too good but I guess it was high level for fawaaz. Or probably too boring for him. Anyways, we quit after 2nd class.

Luckily fawaaz own playschool started online. Fawaaz enjoyed it too much. He used to ask me everyday if his sensei will come online.

Mostly they focused on craft activities. I observed fawaazs’ interest and took him to next level of the concept which teacher was giving.

It was also different experience for me to see how his play school works and it gave me satisfaction that my child is in good hands. Alhamdullilah

Starting off, in Ramadan I started with five pillars of Islam as the first islamic school, I enrolled fawaaz in, started with it. The pace of that school was too fast so I gave him some supplementary materials so fawaaz could get hang of it.

I gave him some colouring pages. And showed him some videos of Zaky. Alhamdulillah he grasped the concept of it.

Moreover, to go in depth of 5 pillars, I told him the concept of fast. Whenever he used to ask us to eat with him, I say that we will eat in iftar as we are fasting. I made sure to make him busy somehow in iftaar preparation. Making juice for iftaar was his duty. Putting cloth and setting plates was also his duty Alhamdulillah which he enjoyed a lot.

We made a sadqa jar. I tried to tell him the benefits of spending money in the path of Allah. There was a point in Ramadan when he reminded me that we have to put money in jar. Alhamdulillah.

He prayed with us together in Jamaat, sometimes even he used to recite surahs behind his father. The concept of hajj is not clear to him yet but inshaAllah soon I will introduce him.

We revised kalmah shahdah and we learnt how to do tasbeeh. All of it was learning by seeing more than formal learning.

Then, we also made name of Allah by stars. Alhamdulillah fawaaz can write name of Allah in English as well as Arabic/Urdu now.

We started Noorani Qaida too. We sticked to first page whole Ramadan but Alhamdulillah now he can recognise and read all arabic letters.

Interesting part, wea made some Eid banners, colouring pages and cards for our friends and post them as a surprise. The purpose of it was to instill the importance of friendship/ exchanging gifts and most importantly to emphasize on the month of Ramadan.

Playschool came up with the idea of a dua card. Children had to make their wish to Allah. I really liked the idea because fawaaz list was endless so I decided to do it everyday. So in last asharah this was our must routine. This activity was so productive. Fawaaz gradually started to write all small wishes on card. This activity fulfilled it’s purpose of teaching him the concept of asking everything to Allah. Moreover, he learnt the spelling of “Allah Taala” and words like “I want”. But the funny side is that now he wants a card everytime he wants something. He thinks that Allah will grant his wish only if he will write and stick. Lol.


Btw, on Eid day, we tried to fullfill his wishes by giving him gifts he wanted. But you know, all wishes are not to be granted, so we skipped some.

His playschool teacher tried to tell the concept of phases of moon. Fawaaz was not able to get it so we did some activities for it by taking help from internet.

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He still hasn’t grasped the concept fully but atleast it is in his mind now.

Other than these, there were different crafts we did which you can see in the main picture which included painting, colouring, writing and sticking stickers (fawaaz favourite task).

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The reason of this post is not to flaunt but to remind myself next time about activities I can do with children. 😛

To read previous posts click below:

Homeschooling 8

Homeschooling 7

Homeschooling 6

Homeschooling 5

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1

Homeschooling 8

Fawaaz became 4 years old on 13th April. I am writing this post after 4 months and I should say there are major changes in Fawaaz MashaAllah. Day by day I am coming to the conclusion, that everyday a child is learning and becoming  ba adab.

Fawaaz has almost completed the books I mentioned in my previous posts i.e. homeschooling 7.

I have observed in these 4 months that fawaaz learning style got very different. He cannot write one letter for 10 times. After writing it 4 times, he is like I am tired or he starts his stories to kill time. His focus span is not more than 10minutes for any game, any book, etc. You might think he is very engrossed in a task but he will proof you wrong very soon. These type of kids are not easy to handle. I have to set activities for him back to back.


I don’t want to sound unrealistic by saying it is very easy. Yes, I do enjoy it a lot SOMETIMES but I admit it is very tiring and most of the time I want to quit everything. As a housewife, mother and a student of two full time degrees, I have responsibilities to fulfill. Every woman has some visions, so do I. Some quit and some try to achieve them somehow. I am the later one. I am not perfect in anything. I am not a perfect housewife cooking everyday delicious dishes, not a perfect student scoring A in all subjects and not a perfect mother but I am an average one trying to balance my life. Thanks to my supporting husband without whom it wasn’t possible at all.

Back to Fawaaz, by using the books I mentioned in my previous posts, he has completed numbers from 1-20 which includes writing the number, counting, what comes before and after,matching  dot-to-dot and mazes game. Please keep this in mind that he never relied on books, I gave him the concepts through worksheets,activities or games too. Below are the books I am referring these days.

Numbers are easy to make him understand as we use it everyday. For example while cutting apples for him, we used to cut small pieces and then ask him to count before eating. It was win-win situation because he learnt counting and got so many apples too 😂

So once he got the hang of numbers verbally, we started teaching him how they look by showing him numbers written here and there like prices of things, some numbers on cartons, I also wrote numbers on a paper tape and sticked on his cars which helped him to recognise 12 number car, etc. Once he recognised how the number looks, half of the task was done.  Then we moved to make him write. This took time but it is okay as long as he got the idea of it.

In English, he got hang of capital and small letters. I have already discussed the process in previous posts. After that, he got hang of beginning letters very easily. The next step was two letter words and three letter words. This was difficult for me to make him understand. We are still working on it. We are going with his interest. This is the activity with which I started teaching him words.


But this didn’t work for long. So we verbally told him spellings of easy words which he use almost everyday. We used his blackboard as he loves to write on it. He learnt spelling of cook, book, look, hood, cat, dog, etc randomly without any formal method. Then we came up with this activity and it was hit.


He learnt family words of “-OOD”, “-OOK”, “-AT” through it. Then we recently made the below activity just for change. He is not so interested as he was in the previous one. But something is better than nothing.


Moreover, we are also learning digraphs by these flash cards which I got from Clever Poppit Resources.


Once he got hang of them, we did some testing by these flash cards which I got from It was a big hit. He loved clipping and unclipping it (Probably this is the only reason he is sticking to it)


We are still on digraphs. I haven’t given him any worksheets yet. I want him to enjoy for now and grasp the concept.

He is enjoying reading more than before. Sometimes when he sees a word he recognise, he is over the moon. He is like mama see “look” is written. Mama see “in” is written, “cat” is written and then he goes like “dekhain mama fawaaz Ko ata hai na”

To summarise, he doesn’t have any proper path in learning things but things are going well though slow.

I started some science lessons following a book. There is not anything specific I am focusing. I started with the book but then I am going with fawaaz’s interest. There was a chapter about senses then about animals. So when I was giving him the concept about cows,goats and sheeps, he was taking interest. I showed him a minute video of how animals benefit us. Now he usually says I am eating hen’s egg. Recently we were eating mutton curry, he asked us “yeh cow Ki boti Hai ya goat Ki” 😂😂


Then we had a chapter about insects, birds and fishes. So I was telling him that insects has 6 legs and then I showed him caterpillar picture. He asked me some questions about caterpillar’s mama which led the conversation to the lifecycle of caterpillar. Again I showed him couple of minutes animated video of caterpillar life cycle while illustrating what is happening in it. The same day he was telling his baba the whole story how caterpillar ate his own egg and then so many leaves, blah blah.

The point to tell here is that sometimes you have to go beyond the books and syllabus to make a kid understand new concept. Every kid has their way of learning. I have observed that fawaaz learns fast when he is being illustrated about something verbally first then by some short animated video.

He has some fondness towards babies. For example, he has two bulldozers. One is big and the other one is small. So the bigger bulldozer is mama of smaller one and list goes on. So we were reading a book in which a frog and tadpole was drawn. I told him that tadpole is a baby of frog and how he gets big. Later I showed him couple of minutes video of life cycle of tadpole and he got it so well. So we need to see what works best with our kid.


Few days ago we opened this toy. It is very difficult for me and his baba to make it. It will take a lot of time for him to make a castle out of it on his own. But this is helping us to learn shapes. It is increasing his focus too. After observing how magnets are fascinating him, I am thinking to give him concept of magnets soon.

For Urdu, “buhat mushkil Hai yeh kaam, bas itna samjh lijye. Aik aag ka Darya Hai aur doob K Jana hai” 🤷

The progress is slow. But slow and steady wins the race 😉 I am still on same books shuffling to keep his interest intact. We are doing one letter in two weeks roughly. Stickers are our motivator. Thanks to the one who came up with the idea of making stickers 😂. He is done with writing ،ا-ز .But he isn’t perfect in any of these.

For Ramadan, we have started giving some concept that we fast and hence cannot eat and drink. Then we are having some colouring activities related to Ramadan to instill the importance of the month.


Apart from daily masnoon duaas, he learnt some duaas for the current situation which includes اعوذ بكلمات التامات… And بسم الله الذي لا يضر…He also learnt the way to do wudu. His play school played a major role in this one.

Moreover, he is more willing to help these days. I think this is because of his age factor. He wants to make roti , bread, doughnuts, etc. But sometimes for me, this help costs a lot 😝

Below you can see him helping me with hanging washed clothes. اللهم بارك له

Remember us in prayers. The journey is rough but worth it. The “terrible twos” has never left us but surely it has improved. Running is still the favourite sport. The hyper-ness is there. The stubbornness is there. Life isnt enjoyable everytime. But in order to live, we need to cherish these moments. Atleast try to. Remember no body is perfect. Every mother tries to give best to their child.

It is just that the method is different. At the end you don’t ask a man in an interview if you were breastfed or bottle-fed. Did you learn ABCD at age of 3 or 5. Were you potty train at age of 2 or 4. 

So take it easy. Life isn’t about worrying for these things.

This is a reminder for me more than you 💞

To read previous posts click below:

Homeschooling 7

Homeschooling 6

Homeschooling 5

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1


Overwhelmed with emotions, I was crying on prayer mat. Probably talking to Allah. When my 4 year old came, he asked the reason of crying. I didn’t say anything. He said are you missing baba? Or nano? Or Nana? I just shrugged my shoulders. He hugged me. And said baba will come soon. Don’t cry now okay.

Can he understand the meaning of “missing myself”?

Ajeeb dunya.

So many things in life are just “pretend-pretend-pretend”

Homeschooling experiment 7

This was long awaited post not because fawaaz learnt everything but because fawaaz went to Pakistan and MashaAllah experienced the love of relatives for the first time. He got to know why Dada, Dado, Nana and Nano are so popular 😉

He didn’t want to come back. Alhamdullilah for everything. Alhamdullilah that Allah Taala has put love in Fawaaz heart for his cousins and relatives even when he is living so apart.

Well, since I went to Pakistan and I got the golden opportunity to go to Karachi Book Festival so I bought too many books for fawaaz. I realized after coming to home that I bought a lot but I am satisfied with my shopping 😉 No regrets!

We have been currently using these books for english, urdu, and for random activities. Some of them were brought in Japan while others are from Pakistan.

For Maths, the ladybird number book was very interactive because it had stickers. Fawaaz quickly learnt numbers through this book as he loves stickers/activities. Kindergarten skills book has largest, smallest, odd-one-out, shapes concept along with alphabets so this helped pretty well. Below picture is how we gave him concept of big and small. 🤷‍♀️

We have started to give him addition concept through eggs, chicken and french fries 🍗🥚🍟 as he loves it but we haven’t formally started it. So here is the picture of 1-12 written by Fawaaz.

For English, my personal favourite is “first time learning alphabet” book because it includes from pre-writing skills until reading. It is like a complete package for a child who just started learning alphabets. Fun book is the next favorite as it is focusing on alphabets and numbers (A-Z , a-z and 1-20) from every aspect (through tracing, mazes, puzzles, pictures). It even has basic addition and subtraction too which I haven’t started formally to Fawaaz.

This book below is very good for activities for kids like Fawaaz who loves mazes. He completed this book within a week. (He loved it so much that he wanted to complete in a day. I hope his problem solving skills gets enhanced by doing so many mazes 🤷‍♀️)

All in All, Fawaaz is around 3 years and 8 months now to be precise. He is done with capital letters and starting letters. For starting letters, I used random worksheets from internet.

I started small letters with him before going to Pakistan and he was half way done but since I wasn’t able to give time to him in Pakistan, he forgot everything and I had to start from scratch. He picked up fast this time because maybe it is like “getting-my-memory-back” ⚡️⚡️

We are also starting slowly “-at” words. For that purpose, I made a game for fawaaz. It is purely a random idea. I hope it works for long time.

Fawaaz is enjoying so far. I hope he gets the idea before getting bored.

For Urdu, recently I started with urdu writing but it seems he isn’t enjoying it as such. After seeing his lack of interest I asked him to pick whatever he likes and as predicted he picked up ABCD. I asked some homeschool mums what to do in such situations, most of them suggested to go slowly and gradually. Maybe I will go with one letter a week. Below are some books I am using for urdu. All are same but since my son gets bored quickly so I have 4 books to shuffle 🤣

The best one among them is of Shanzay Tariq’s 5 in 1 book not only because it is a complete package but also because it has stickers. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

For speaking, his Urdu has improved because he went to Pakistan and conversed a lot with his Dada, Dado, nana and nano. To my utter surprise, his english speaking skills got better too as most of his cousins were speaking English. This also gave me the idea of giving him company of English speakers to make him learn English quickly but where to find them in Japan 😪

Other than this, I have been working on his emotions. I got this idea from internet. This helped me a lot. Along with this, whenever we read any story book. I point out the faces of people and asking him if they are sad, happy or angry. This way he got to know how to show emotions which helped me a lot to predict him too.

For reading, we are using different books. Most of them are Level 1 in order to motivate Fawaaz to read. Level 1 books usually have more pictures than words which makes it interactive and predictable too which helps to build their confidence.

Below are some books among many in which fawaaz is taking interest these days.

For islamic teaching, we are starting to give him concept of Jannah. We also bought some books to connect him with Islam but these days I am realizing that I should also tell him a bit about christianity as Christmas is all over the place here in Japan. I would like to go with the flow as he already has started asking questions. So I guess this questions is also not so far 🙂

Apart from these books, we also bought some Anbiya stories which I verbally tell him at night before sleeping. I feel that it is the time when he connects with me; listens to me. We memorize/revise all duaas and suraahs at this time. It is like heart to heart talking time. 🥰🥰 (also because all day he just wants to run)

There is lot to share which includes my Pakistan trip too but I guess the post is long enough so leaving it for next time 😉

Link to collection of worksheets I gathered:–zV5eWyj_tIcIiosdBbOJs89rFqBihZAs5QtLiajBZxRg0S2dqMdIys0x4NHVm_JKvW8VXQ

To read previous posts click below:

Homeschooling 6

Homeschooling 5

Homeschooling 4

Homeschooling 3

Homeschooling 2

Homeschooling 1